Call of Duty: Black Ops for PS3 is set during the Cold War era and follows the story of Alex Mason, a special forces operative who is interrogated by mysterious captors. The game begins with Mason being asked about a series of numbers, which are believed to be related to a Soviet sleeper agent program.
The story unfolds through a series of flashbacks as Mason recalls his missions during the 1960s, including covert operations in Cuba, Vietnam, and the Soviet Union. As Mason’s memories surface, players are taken through intense, action-packed moments, where they must complete a variety of high-stakes military missions, including assassination attempts, sabotage, and gathering intelligence.
As the plot progresses, Mason begins to question his own memories and his connection to the mysterious Soviet defector Viktor Reznov, leading to revelations about mind control and hidden agendas. The story’s dark twists and psychological undertones drive the game towards a gripping conclusion, where Mason must confront his own past and unravel the conspiracy behind the numbers.
Verified owner Dhananjay (verified owner) –
The product was delivered within 3 days. Though it came with CD case with no poster but ran well on console. Thanks for this facility. Hope you will make more PS3 games available soon! Best of luck!!!