Alex Mercer, the protagonist, wakes up in a New York City hospital with no memory of his past and a body that has undergone radical transformation. He discovers that he has developed extraordinary abilities, such as shapeshifting, superhuman strength, and the power to consume others to gain their memories and skills.
As Mercer explores his new powers, he uncovers a massive conspiracy involving a dangerous virus that has ravaged the city. This virus has transformed countless citizens into monstrous mutants and has led to a brutal conflict between the military and the infected populace.
Mercer learns that he is at the center of this outbreak and must navigate a series of conflicts between different factions, uncovering the truth about his past and the origins of the virus. Throughout the game, players guide Mercer through an open-world environment, battling enemies, completing missions, and exploring the city’s dark secrets.
Driven by revenge and a quest for answers, Mercer grapples with his humanity while using his powers to fight against both the infected and the government forces that seek to control or destroy him. The story of Prototype unfolds with high-stakes action and a moral ambiguity that challenges players to question the nature of power and identity.
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